Prioritizing Your Wellness to have BALANCE in your Motherhood
“It is never going to be perfect. What this does is leads you to continue to procrastinate because you're waiting for something that is unrealistic and unsustainable. Perfection is something we should never be shooting for in motherhood. Especially as working mothers - nothing is going to be perfect. But you know what it can be… it can be complete.”

The Key to Balance in Motherhood is Having Bold Boundaries
“Learn to say NO. I notice it's a hard word. As working mothers, we have a tendency or a desire to please other people. And that leads us to neglect and dismiss the boundaries that we have set for ourselves. There's this implication that other people's needs, wants and desires are far more important than our own. And with that, we have to really start practicing what it means and what it feels like to say no to something.”

Redefining Balance in Motherhood: Its Easier Than You Think
“I don't want motherhood to be the end of our life. I don't want motherhood to be the end of our joy. I don't want motherhood to be the end of our wellness. I don't want motherhood to be the end of any of that. I've truly believed that we can experience motherhood and all the joys and all the challenges and still take care of ourselves, still prioritize our needs or desires.”