Taking Motherhood One Day At A Time
Jasmine Clarke is a mental health provider, a wife and a full-time mama. All the way from Jacksonville Florida, Jasmine joins us today to talk about her ongoing journey with motherhood.
Q: How is motherhood, overall, going for you right now?
Clarke: Motherhood is actually going really well. I enjoy every moment of it, both the good and the bad. And I love watching my baby girl grow and learn every day.
Q: What does Balanced Working Mama mean to you and how has Balanced Working Mama impacted your life?
Clarke: Balanced Working Mama means community. For me, this wellness program impacted my life because they helped me take control of my wellness and improve my motherhood journey. This program gave me the coping strategies that I needed and the mechanisms to help me prioritize my wellness. Wellness is something that's really good for me and I'm just glad that now I'm able to prioritize it.
“I know the load of motherhood is heavy, but you can carry that load. You are amazing. Take it one day at a time. Give yourself grace daily and just invest in your wellness.”
Q: What have been some struggles or challenges you've experienced so far in your motherhood journey?
Clarke: My struggles are perfectionism. If I’m being real with myself…I want everything to be perfect. And that's not realistic! So, at this time in my life, I'm just learning to strive to be good and instead of perfect. ‘Done is better than perfect.’ I tell myself that every day. ‘Jas, get it done, and doesn’t have to be perfect… done is better than perfect.’ That's it.
Jasmine Clarke is a new mama to a beautiful baby girl.
Q: What are some things you've actively worked on, changed or transformed as you've moved forward in your motherhood?
Clarke: I will say I’ve actively worked on the motherhood load. And the motherhood load is heavy. So I have been working on that. After investing in my wellness, I just learned to carry loads by asking for help, delegating my tasks to my village and giving myself grace daily. That’s what Balanced Working Mama has taught me.
Want to learn how you can became a Balanced Working Mama?
Q: What's the biggest lesson you've learned, or what has stood out to you the most as you've worked to redefine your motherhood journey?
Clarke: The biggest lesson I learned is that motherhood is a journey. And it is not a one-time assignment. So every day I'm learning and growing as a new Mama.
Q: Has community played a role in how you navigate motherhood right now? And if so, how?
Clarke: Yes, community has definitely played a role in how to navigate motherhood right now. Community is actually very important to me. Being in this Wellness Program, I learned they are my community. I'm not alone in my motherhood journey. And other mothers go through exactly what I have been going through in my motherhood journey. So when I have a question or concern, I'm able to reach out to the other moms in my community for help. It’s played a huge role.
Q: What words of encouragement, wisdom or helpful advice would you pass on to another mom who may be struggling right now?
Clarke: I would say…’Sis, you are enough.’ I know the load of motherhood is heavy, but you can carry that load. You are amazing. Take it one day at a time. Give yourself grace daily and just invest in your wellness.
Hi there! I’m Dr. Amber Thornton.
I’m a Clinical Psychologist, Motherhood Wellness Consultant, wife, and mama to 2 amazing little ones.
My mission is simple: to help working mothers balance work, motherhood, and wellness. I want to completely change the narrative of what is possible for working mothers.
Learn more about how we can work together!